Dr. Ted Coletti presents: Xany for Xiphs: The Surprising World of Platies & Swordtails
The Xiphophorus were some of the first tropical fish introduced to the aquarium hobby at the turn of the 20th century, and are still one of the most popular today. Considered beginner’s fish, they possess some of the most complex genetics among earth’s vertebrates. This topic reviews their history in the hobby, the various species and where they originate, the fancy varieties, and their contribution to the science of genetics.
About the speaker
Dr. Ted Coletti is a hobbyist, writer and speaker from New Jersey’s Skylands Region. An aquarist for nearly 40 years, he presents programs around the United States and Canada and has written over 200 articles and 2 books for the hobby. A former Editor of the ALA Journal, Ted was the livebearer columnist for FAMA and TFH magazines from 2000-2010 (his Aquarium Care of Livebearing Fish is published by TFH-Animal Planet). For the past 4 decades, Ted has been the hobby’s evangelizer and leading voice for the “summer tubbing” movement. His acclaimed second book, The Tub Pond Handbook , is now in its 3rd edition - revised (www.amazon.com/dp/B091W9WLDP). A hobby historian, Ted is also the Founder & Moderator of the Aquarium Hobby Historical Society. He presents club programs on all these topics above.
Born and raised in New York City’s Bronx County, Ted is a psychologist by training and works in the pharmaceuticals industry as an Oncology Forecaster. He is a Master Breeder and Senior Grower at the North Jersey Aquarium Society, and in 2019, founded the Skylands Aquarium & Water Garden Group. At home, Ted maintains a small fishroom, many guitars, over two dozen tub ponds, and one very patient wife.